„Graf Hardegg“ ist die Premium-Marke des Gutsbetriebs und wird aktuell auf allen Produkten des Weinguts sowie unserem BIO-Honig und nativem Rapsöl geführt.
gut hardegg > Winery > factsheets & packshots
Here you will find our product data sheets in PDF format as well as printable bottle photos for download. Should you require any further material, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: office[at]guthardegg.at. office[at]guthardegg.at
The use in the context of reporting (press, wineguides, blog etc.) about Gut Hardegg / Graf Hardegg wines and products as well as for all our resellers and partners is free. If you have any questions about image rights, please contact us. Photo credits for the product images: © Gut Hardegg
factsheets (PDF)
packshots (JPG)
Single image download
Click on a thumbnail in the gallery. In the large view at the top right, click on share (arrow) and then "Download image".